Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I love my family

People who blog on a regular basis must have a lot of time on their hands. I'm constantly thinking of things I want to jot down, record or capture, but given my short attention span these days, if I don't do it right then and there, the idea or moment escapes me. I guess you have to make it a priority. But then again, my priorities have changed - it's pretty much all about the fam these days. I love this little family we've got - when I think about expanding it, I don't know that I could give more love than I am. People always tell me you feel that way until you have the second, and you realize then that your capacity for love is never ending. We'll see . . . .

The Noodle now has close to four teeth with another on the way! I can't believe it (neither can my nipples, lol)! My favorite moment in the day is when Eli brings him to me in the morning and we all get back into bed, where Noodle nurses and then proceeds to babble loudly once he's done. Interspersed in his babble is some version of "Mama" and "Dada".

This life is not always easy, but I wouldn't trade it for anything else.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

expanding huh? Oh, I miss you all so much. I can't wait to see the whole family! Ya'll have the ability to make us both so happy!